Playgirl Magazine
Back story: In response to conservative cries of inappropriate/pornographic content in movies, companies creating “clean” versions of movies provide folks with boring—I mean, more tasteful—versions of our favorite flicks; allowing “concerned moms and dads to take one more lazy step back from the parenting process.” This supposedly injects American culture with a little more decency.
Which brings us to the latest in douchebaggery, Daniel Dean Thompson. He’s the owner of Flix Club, a company in Utah selling clean versions of movies to people. He’s also the guy arrested last week for sexually abusing children. Can you say, irony?
Yeah, total bummer. Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, allegedly traded sex with a couple 14-year-old girls, who claimed to need money so they could move out of their homes. Thompson and Lifferth were booked at the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity.
Dirty dudes operating under the guise of decency for the sake of a more wholesome America are the worst.
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