The Daily Varity
Flix Club's Thompson arrested in Utah.
The vexing saga of CleanFlix, the Utah-based service that excised naughty bits from DVDs, took an ironic final twist last week when one of its franchisees cued up a lurid scene in real life.
Daniel D. Thompson, 31, and Isaac R. Lifferth, 24, were arrested in Utah on suspicion of paying two 14-year-old girls for sex. Neither has been formally charged.
Thompson ran Flix Club, a branch of CleanFlix that offered sanitized versions of even PG-13 fare, attracting a sizable following, especially among Christian consumers. The company was forced to shut down in December after a federal court ruled that its versions of studio films constituted copyright violation.
The alleged sex acts took place at the Flix Club shop in Orem, Utah. Police also found a sizable cache of pornography there, but Thompson claimed it was for "personal use," authorities say.
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