Friday, August 29, 2008


BY CALEB FUCKNOCK / August 29, 2008
The Daily Herald

Daniel Dean Thompson, the owner of the now-defunct Flix Club edited movie store, was sentenced on Friday to serve 44 days in jail and 119 days with an ankle monitor.

The sentence stems from an incident in which he and an employee were accused of paying two 14-year-old girls for oral sex.

As he heard the sentence, Thompson's hands, clasped behind his back, shook violently.

In an impromptu press conference held in the courthouse hallway after Friday's hearing, Thompson, 31, said he was shocked by the judge's decision to send him to jail.

"I don't want to go to jail," he said, teary-eyed, calling the sentence "severe." "I was surprised. But I also accept the judge's decision."

Thompson said he had never before had a chance to tell his side of the story. He said his co-defendant, Isaac R. Lifferth, was never a co-owner of the Flix Club, though Lifferth claimed to be, that the store was never a front for producing porn, and that Thompson himself had never solicited anyone for sex.

"I never propositioned anyone for anything, contrary to every report. I am sorry because I failed in doing what is right," he said to reporters, his voice emotional. "I am going to jail, which is very difficult for me. If I could change what happened I would, but I can't."

Thompson then pleaded with reporters to never use his jail mug shot again. When asked why, he said because "it is a bad photo."

Thompson's attorney had asked that the entire sentence be served on an ankle monitor, foregoing any time in jail, saying his client had been with the girls for less than 60 seconds before deciding to leave because he felt what he was doing was wrong. The attorney, Mike Petro, said monitoring would allow his client to continue to have shared physical custody of his two sons and to continue to pay restitution of up to $1,000 a month.

But Judge David Mortensen of American Fork's 4th District Court said Thompson had asked the underage girls their age and that Thompson must have known he was getting into "dangerous territory."

In his press conference, Thompson said he had come to know Lifferth because "he was a boyfriend of my ex-wife's sister and he needed a job." Thompson said he hired Lifferth, who soon thereafter "began living vicariously through me. He told people he owned my cars and my company."

When he closed the company, Thompson said he left Lifferth in charge "to finish last minute business. He turned my office into his own personal private party pad."

When police searched the business, they found drugs and porn in Lifferth's desk, Thompson said. A keg of beer accompanied by a receipt for the beer in Lifferth's name was also found.

"I had no idea, but because I owned the place, it was automatically mine," Thompson said.

A search of Thompson's own house netted nothing, he said.

"I have become a recluse and my life was on hold until today," Thompson said. "People have asked me if I will bounce back from this. It will be difficult but I will try. Contrary to every news report, I genuinely love people and I have gotten a ton of support. It just happens to be from people who are not as boisterous."

Asked several times why he had become involved in the oral sex, Thompson said he would like to know himself.

"If I could answer that I would," he said. "It was a bad judgment call, not a deliberate act of malice. I found myself in a situation that within one minute I became uncomfortable with and left, and less than a minute destroys my life. ... Everyone makes mistakes. The only difference is that mine are published."

In July, Thompson pleaded no contest to reduced charges stemming from the oral sex incident. Thompson pleaded no contest to two counts of sexual battery, a class A misdemeanor. The charges were reduced from unlawful sexual activity with a minor, a third-degree felony. Prosecutors also agreed to drop a misdemeanor charge of patronizing a prostitute as part of the plea deal.

On Friday, Mortensen agreed there was no evidence that Thompson knew that the girls had been paid.

In June, Thompson's co-defendant, Lifferth, was sentenced after pleading guilty to two counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, one count of patronizing a prostitute and one count of possession of a controlled substance. Mortensen sentenced Lifferth to 270 days in jail and 36 months of probation.

Thompson and Lifferth were arrested in January after a 14-year-old girl told her mother that an older man paid her and a friend $20 for oral sex. According to Orem police, the two girls asked a friend if she knew anyone who would be willing to pay for sex, and the friend put them in contact with Lifferth, who paid them each for oral sex and later took them to the Flix Club store in Orem and paid them another $20 to perform oral sex on Thompson. Thompson told police that he asked the girls if they were 18, and they said yes.

When police searched the store, they also found dozens of pornographic movies, and the girls told police that Thompson told them that Flix Club was a front for producing pornography.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


The DVD Dossier

We knew this was coming.

A week ago, we ran a story about two guys in Orem, Utah who were arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a minor. They had been operating a video store called Flix Club, which rented edited movies.

These were big Hollywood hits from which they removed the nudity, sex, violence and "objectionable" content. They rented these videos to people who believed that was the only way these films should be viewed. This (as my mother used to ask when I told her what I did for a living) is a business?

In any case, we called them hypocrites and they are. You don't make the world a safer place by removing sex from movies and then go and pay a 14-year old twenty bucks for a blowjob.

We mentioned in our original post that the two were "apparently an affiliate for CleanFlicks," the online rental store that pioneered the concept of sanitized versions of hit films for the rental market. That little tidbit - that they were an "affiliate" of CleanFlicks - was picked up from other published reports.

This week, we began to read coverage in various blogs and newspapers that said that those arrested and charged were the founders (or co-founders) of CleanFlicks.

Well, we knew that wasn't true. But we thought it was a case of the category leader becoming synonymous with the category itself. (How many times do you hear someone ask for a "Kleenex" when what they really mean is they'd like a tissue?) After all, there were no edited movies being rented using a Netflix-like business model until CleanFlicks entered upon the scene.

We had no idea that the owners of Flix Club might be attempting to elevate their stature in the "clean movie" business by claiming a false affiliation with CleanFlicks.

We regret including that line in our original post and in an earlier version of this post we apologized for the error. But there's much more to this story...

CleanFlicks, of course, was put out of business when a court ruled in 2006 that the editing of movies on DVD or VHS violated federal copyright laws. We think the practice is reprehensible (even if it wasn't illegal) because it messes with the creators' original vision. That's why, when we were approached to become online affiliates for CleanFlicks, we refused. (In fact, we told them they were headed for a lawsuit. They insisted they were on firm legal ground.)

CleanFlicks is back online - sort of - and we were wondering how long it would take for them to speak up about the events of the past week, in which they got caught in the crossfire.

Yesterday, the company - which has reinvented itself as an online rental store offering unedited family-friendly films - held a press conference during which Ray Lines, the actual co-founder of the firm, attempted to clarify what he believes is "false, inaccurate or misleading information published and/or circulated" about an alleged relationship between it and Flix Club.

“Let me be perfectly clear about this," Lines said, "Daniel Dean Thompson, a twice convicted felon who was recently arrested in Orem, Utah, on charges of forcible sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old, was not a founder of any CleanFlicks entity. In addition, Thompson has never been a partner, officer, affiliate, dealer, franchisee, collaborator, consultant or representative of any CleanFlicks entity in any capacity."

CleanFlicks also announced that it has "uncovered data it believes proves that Thompson has knowingly lied about his relationship with CleanFlicks and that such activity has caused great harm to the company."

Accordingly, CleanFlicks has filed a federal lawsuit against Thompson seeking damages for trademark infringement and requested that the Court "enjoin Thompson from falsely claiming a relationship with CleanFlicks in the future."

We wish them luck with their lawsuit, despite the inherent hypocrisy (and irony) of bringing a court action to protect their trademark, when they saw nothing wrong with altering the copyrighted property of other rights holders (directors, Holywood studios).

But the actual facts surrounding their relationship with Thompson seem untidy at best. Christianity Today, which did indeed refer to Thompson as a co-founder in their initial blog post, has followed up this morning:

"Christianity Today asked CleanFlicks publicist David Politis how several reputable news outlets - including The Salt Lake Tribune, the Provo Daily Herald, and a local CBS News affiliate - could have mistakenly associated Thompson with CleanFlicks.

Politis said that CleanFlicks used to run a number of brick-and-mortar dealerships in Utah, but when they decided to become exclusively an online DVD rental business in 2002, they sold the stores to individuals. Thompson’s father apparently bought three of the stores, and later hired his son, Daniel, to manage one of them. CleanFlicks later required all of the brick-and-mortar stores to cease using the CleanFlicks name.

Meanwhile, CleanFlicks had also learned that Daniel Thompson had served time in the Utah County Jail for various indictments on securities fraud, money laundering, and theft. (Documents from the Fourth District Court in Provo confirm this.) At that time, CleanFlicks told Thompson’s father that they would no longer do business with his son."

Hey, I'm no lawyer, but that sounds like a relationship to me. It's a relationship they've since disavowed, but they certainly had some sort of relationship with the man.

It's wrong for Thompson to claim that he founded the company and it was right for CleanFlicks to sever all ties to the man once they found out about his past transgressions, but, gosh, it certainly looks like there was indeed a relationship of some sort.

Or does it depend, as the 42nd President of the United States once suggested, "on the meaning of the word" relationship?

How can they say that Thompson has never been involved with or represented "any CleanFlicks entity in any capacity" when they sold a store to Thompson the Elder and let him keep the "CleanFlicks" name on the store for a time while his son served as the store manager?

Here again, I guess it depends on the meaning of the words "never," "entity" and "in any capacity."

They have every right to stop Thompson from claiming an affiliation with CleanFlicks going forward, but you can't deny the past. The man very definitely had a connection - tenuous at best - but he had a connection to the company.

He didn't work for the company, he wasn't hired by the company, the company did not sanction or approve his actions, but Thompson clearly held an affiliation of sorts with CleanFlicks.

Doth CleanFlicks protest too much?

In an attempt to clarify "false, inaccurate or misleading information" and distance itself from Thompson, hasn't CleanFlicks gone a bit overboard and put forth information that, at the very least, is also misleading?

Hey, we're just asking.

More of CleanFlicks side of the story can be found at a new website they've set up at

(Don't you think that URL also goes a bit over the top in describing their predicament? They don't need to be set free. They just need someone to buy them a good dictionary. But we applaud the publicity they've received for their new - and perfectly legal - business model of renting unedited family-friendly films.)


BY MARK MORING / Feb 2, 2008
Christianity Today

CleanFlicks, once popular with Christians and families for its video “sanitizing” service, is working overtime to distance itself from a sex scandal involving a Utah man who apparently claimed he once worked with the company.

On Friday, CleanFlicks filed a federal lawsuit again Daniel Dean Thompson, who was recently arrested for allegedly paying a 14-year-old girl for sex. According to a press release, CleanFlicks is seeking damages for “harming the firm by illegally claiming a business relationship with the firm and infringing its trade name and trademarks.”

According to CleanFlicks, Thompson “was not a founder of CleanFlicks, LLC or CleanFlicks Media, Inc., nor was he ever a partner, officer, affiliate, dealer, franchisee, collaborator, consultant or representative of any CleanFlicks entity in any capacity.”

Several reports of Thompson’s Jan. 24 arrest—on two charges of forcible sexual abuse and two charges of forcible sexual activity with a 14-year-old—had referred to him as a “co-founder” of CleanFlicks. Other reports said Thompson had owned and/or operated one or more CleanFlicks dealerships—which offered edited DVDs to customers—in Utah.

But CleanFlicks says none of it is true. Its Friday press release says the business “has uncovered data it believes proves that Thompson has knowingly lied about his relationship with CleanFlicks and that such activity has caused great harm to the company,” and thus the lawsuit, which seeks over $1 million in damages.

“We want everyone to see that we stand for the antithesis of everything with which we have been erroneously linked in recent reports,” said Ray Lines, whom CleanFlicks says is the true founder of their company.

Christianity Today asked CleanFlicks publicist David Politis how several reputable news outlets—including The Salt Lake Tribune, the Provo Daily Herald, and a local CBS News affiliate—could have mistakenly associated Thompson with CleanFlicks.

Politis said that CleanFlicks used to run a number of brick-and-mortar dealerships in Utah, but when they decided to become exclusively an online DVD rental business in 2002, they sold the stores to individuals. Thompson’s father apparently bought three of the stores, and later hired his son, Daniel, to manage one of them. CleanFlicks later required all of the brick-and-mortar stores to cease using the CleanFlicks name.

Meanwhile, CleanFlicks had also learned that Daniel Thompson had served time in the Utah County Jail for various indictments on securities fraud, money laundering, and theft. (Documents from the Fourth District Court in Provo confirm this.) At that time, CleanFlicks told Thompson’s father that they would no longer do business with his son.

CleanFlicks has made more details about the situation available at

CleanFlicks was founded in 2000 by Ray and Sharon Lines as a business which edits movies to remove objectionable content. The company—and other “video sanitizing” businesses like it—gained popularity with Christians and families over the next few years. But in 2006, such businesses received a lethal blow when a federal judge ruled that sanitizing movies violates copyright laws. Rather than fight the case, CleanFlicks abided by the decision and quit the sanitizing business.

CleanFlicks is still in operation today, but now as an online-only video rental company that claims to be “the world’s only DVD rental store exclusively offering family friendly movies.”

Friday, February 1, 2008


BY DADE HAYES / February 1, 2008
The Daily Varity

Flix Club's Thompson arrested in Utah.

The vexing saga of CleanFlix, the Utah-based service that excised naughty bits from DVDs, took an ironic final twist last week when one of its franchisees cued up a lurid scene in real life.

Daniel D. Thompson, 31, and Isaac R. Lifferth, 24, were arrested in Utah on suspicion of paying two 14-year-old girls for sex. Neither has been formally charged.

Thompson ran Flix Club, a branch of CleanFlix that offered sanitized versions of even PG-13 fare, attracting a sizable following, especially among Christian consumers. The company was forced to shut down in December after a federal court ruled that its versions of studio films constituted copyright violation.

The alleged sex acts took place at the Flix Club shop in Orem, Utah. Police also found a sizable cache of pornography there, but Thompson claimed it was for "personal use," authorities say.


BY ERIQ GARDNER / Feb 1, 2008
The Hollywood Reporter

Are you ready for this? Earlier this week we posted about the man who ran a business that edited salacious content out of DVDs getting arrested for having sex with underaged girls and using his business as "a cover for a pornography studio." Well, things have just gotten a whole lot stranger.

Now Utah-based Clean Flicks Media, which, if you remember, lost a copyright battle with Hollywood studios over DVD sanitation, is stepping up big-time to try to edit this guy, Daniel Thompson, out of the picture.

The company held a press conference today to distance itself from Thompson and released a timeline of its corporate history showing that the original Clean Flicks business was founded in 2000 by Ray and Sharon Lines.

But they didn't stop there. Clean Flicks Media also filed a lawsuit today in Utah District Court alleging that Thompson is falsely representing himself as a "as a founder, owner, franchisee or dealer of CleanFlicks." The complaint alleges violations of trademark, false designation of origin, cyberpiracy prevention, and tortious interference.

The company acknowledges that Daniel Thompson once played a role in the Clean Flicks business. But according to the timeline, the original brick and mortar store chain owned by the Lines family was largely shuttered in 2002 and 2003. The company sold three of the stores to Daniel Thompson's father, who hired his son as a manager. Apparently, Daniel had a criminal background, and when Clean Flicks found out, they say they notified the father they wouldn't do business with Daniel.

Flash forward to 2006, when, according to Clean Flicks, Daniel Thompson continued to operate a business under the Clean Flicks (also Cleanflix) name, and he later renamed it FlixClub. The two sides have been engaged in a trademark fight for a few years — but up until the time Thompson was arrested by police, he continued to operate a business that purported to take smut out of movies.

Of course, the irony here is how Clean Flicks is going after this guy by invoking a misuse of its intellectual property (trademark) after having fought so hard against Hollywood's claims of copyright infringement.


BY ALEX CHO / Feb 1, 2008
Instinct Magazine

The owner of the Utah-based business Clean Flix, which made headlines last year for its practice of "sanitizing" Hollywood films by removing scenes of nudity and graphic violence from home videos, was arrested for exchanging money for sex acts with underage girls last week. Daniel Dean Thompson, whose business was shut down last year due to threatened legal action from the Hollywood studios, apparently had quite a racket going on:

The booking documents state Thompson told the 14-year-olds that his film sanitizing business was a cover for a pornography studio. He asked the girls if they would participate in making a porn movie, but they refused, the documents state.

Police found a "large quantity" of pornographic movies inside the business, along with a keg of beer, painkillers and two cameras hooked up to a television. Thompson told police he didn't know the teenagers were under 18 or that they were paid for sex. He said pornography found at the business was for "personal use," according to the documents.
[Salt Lake Tribune]

Thompson's acquaintance, Isaac Lifferth,
was also arrested (the two are pictured above, Thompson on the left). At least you have to appreciate that he's not trying to deny the fact that he used "family values" as a cover up for a porn studio. Ballsy!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


BY ERIQ GARDNER / Jan 29, 2008
The Hollywood Reporter

Remember Clean Flix? It's the Utah-based DVD business that was a favorite of conservative politicians and an anathema to the studios because it edited feature films to remove or alter content deemed inappropriate.

The company's activities sparked a number of lawsuits, including one huge one filed by 16 prominent directors, including Steven Spielberg and Robert Redford, and entertainment studios such as Disney, Sony, Universal, Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox. In 2006, Hollywood won its copyright claims against Clean Flix and the company recently shut down, supposedly due to the industry's legal force.

Well, cover your eyes for this story. Clean Flix founder Daniel Thompson has just been arrested and is accused of having sex with underaged girls. And according to the Salt Lake Tribune, the "booking documents state Thompson told the 14-year-olds that his film sanitizing business was a cover for a pornography studio." Police found a "large quantity" of porno movies inside the business, "along with a keg of beer, painkillers and two cameras hooked up to a television." Thompson has been released after posting $30,000 bail.

We wish we could edit that story out of our heads.


Jan 29, 2008
Playgirl Magazine

Back story: In response to conservative cries of inappropriate/pornographic content in movies, companies creating “clean” versions of movies provide folks with boring—I mean, more tasteful—versions of our favorite flicks; allowing “concerned moms and dads to take one more lazy step back from the parenting process.” This supposedly injects American culture with a little more decency.

Which brings us to the latest in douchebaggery, Daniel Dean Thompson. He’s the owner of Flix Club, a company in Utah selling clean versions of movies to people. He’s also the guy arrested last week for sexually abusing children. Can you say, irony?

Yeah, total bummer. Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, allegedly traded sex with a couple 14-year-old girls, who claimed to need money so they could move out of their homes. Thompson and Lifferth were booked at the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity.

Dirty dudes operating under the guise of decency for the sake of a more wholesome America are the worst.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


The DVD Dossier

From the Department of You Can't Make This Stuff Up comes this little nugget of joy:

Daniel Thompson and Issac Lifferth - owners of the now defunct "Flix Club," a video store that rented edited movies from which all the sex, violence, objectionable and blasphemous content had been removed - were arrested following the disclosure that they had paid for oral sex with two teenage girls for $20 each.

In addition to charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a minor, Lifferth was also charged with patronizing a prostitute and the possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription.

Police who searched the Orem, Utah store said they found pornographic videos, with as many as twenty copies of each title.

The men came under suspicion when the mother of a 14-year-old girl found a twenty dollar bill and asked her daughter where it came from. The girl admitted that she and another girl had traded sexual favors with the two men.

Flix Club was apparently a franchise operator for Clean Flicks. Hollywood studios and the Director's Guild of America brought a successful copyright infringement suit against that company in 2006 and Flix Club was finally shut down last month.

Bail was set at $30,000 for the former purveyors of family-friendly films.

(No word on any late fees that may have been charged.)

Thursday, January 3, 2008


An extremely passionate and ambitious activist group called Clean Media United has relaunched their website and their mission.

Their motto?

"The choices we make in media reflect the choices we make in life."

Their mission statement?

"To unite and promote those persons and entities dedicated to promulgating clean media and to educate the general public of the harmful effects of pornography (in all of it’s forms); to maintain records and a history of the persons and entities that promote clean media: and to apply for educational grants to encourage and to further clean arts. When a million whispers unite, the world will have to comply to our scream for change!"

The Clean Media United website is now active. Available on the site are video interviews with public figures from professional snowboarders to business leaders, all of whom support "Clean Media." Among the video clips that can be found on the site are interviews with Clean Flicks founder Ray Lines and Clean Flicks CEO Allan Erb. Ads for Clear Play, TV Guardian, and Family Safe can be found under the heading "Buy Clean."

The following message was part of a recent Clean Media United press release:

"One of our first goals was to provide a list of Clean Organizations, which is constantly growing. Search for an organization that is involved in the same fight you are, and unite with them to make a greater impact. You can create your own group, invite your friends, and collaborate ideas and information together, send email updates to everyone through the new site, and lots of other stuff. Imagine a Google-type search engine that is family friendly! "GOOGLE-FAMILY". You can research pornography, without seeing any pornography! Everything that comes up is a family-friendly site! You go on vacation and want to support family friendly hotels, so you find hotels in our Clean Book that refuse to offer adult entertainment to their guests. You vote with your dollar, so support those businesses who support Clean! Think of it as an online phone book, search for any business, local or national, that has pledged to support Clean!"

Find more information at